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Are All Dogs Man's Best Friend? Study Pinpoints Friendliest, Most Sociable Breeds

While dogs are generally known to be man's best friend, a new study reveals that not every dog breed showcases the same level of friendliness and human sociability. Some dog breeds enjoy the company of humans more than others.

Man's Best Friend

Per MailOnline, researchers have looked into the dog breeds that have the lowest and highest human sociability levels. The researchers from the University of Helsinki looked into canine personalities to see if there were any interbreed variations.

Dr. Milla Salonen, the study's leader, explains that the dog breed was the most important factor that determined any underlying differences in terms of personality, Earth.com reports. Each dog is an individual creature, and each breed has various sets of traits. However, dog breeds vary in terms of the personalities that the dogs belonging to the breed have, according to their study.

Their research showed that bull-type terriers, teacup dogs, and golden retrievers were all list-toppers when it came to human sociability levels. This affirmed the status of these creatures as "man's best friends."

Personality Differences in Dog Breeds

On the other hand, livestock guardian dogs, primitive sighthounds, and Asian primitive breeds were all found to enjoy human company the least.

These findings resulted from analyzing an extensive behavioral dataset that covered the data of 11,000 dogs and 300 different breeds. The researchers then sorted the dogs into 52 different groups.

Cautious examination revealed that the data had strong links between dog breed and seven different personality traits, namely, aggressiveness or dominance, training focus, insecurity, dog sociability, energy, perseverance, and human sociability.

Bull terriers were at the forefront of the human sociability aspect, while teacup dogs, retrievers, Jack Russell terriers, and Dachshunds closely followed behind them.

Livestock guardian dogs, on the other hand, were the least social breeds. Following them were Asian primitive breeds, primitive sighthounds, northern hunting spitzes, sled dogs, and Pinscher/Schnauzers.

The researchers also looked into other factors, aside from breed, that may affect human sociability. Their findings revealed that female dogs were generally more sociable compared to male ones and that human sociability plummeted as the dogs aged over time.

The results thus suggest that, from their pets' early age, new pet owners should intentionally expose their pups to social environments where humans are involved. These pups should become familiar with unfamiliar animals, places, and people. However, the pup should determine the conditions for socialization and should not be forced to face and endure frightening situations.

Prior to this, researchers from the University of Helsinki had also examined the intelligence levels of dogs and looked into which breeds were the smartest. Per NDTV, the researchers found out that the Belgian Shepherd was the smartest dog breed.


Pinpoint: v: adj; n

1. v表示" 精确地找到;瞄准",means "locate exactly",如:With this device, we can pinpoint your exact location. 有了这个仪器,我们可以精确地标出你的位置。

2. adj表示"精确的;微小的",means " very exact;",如:These missles can be fired with pinpoint accuracy. 这些导弹可精确地命中目标。He discovered some pinpoint particles in the liquid. 他在液体中发现了一些极其微小的细粒。

3. n表示" 极小之物;精确位置",means "the sharp point of a pin; a very small spot",如:There is only a pinpoint of light in the cave.山洞中只能见到一丝光线。The bomb hit the pinpoint at which they aimed.炸弹精确地击中了目标。

interbreed: v; n

表示"杂交繁殖",means "breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties",如:Wolves and dogs can interbreed and produce offspring. 狼和狗能够异种交配而且繁育后代。

dataset: n

表示" 资料组",如:The dataset is one place you can do this. 数据集是可以执行此操作的一个位置。

Dachshund: n

表示" 腊肠犬",means "small long-bodied short-legged German breed of dog having a short sleek coat and long drooping ears; suited for following game into burrows",如:Are dachshunds easy to housebreak? 腊肠容易破坏家吗?

spitz: n

表示"波美拉尼亚丝毛狗(一种尖嘴竖耳的光滑毛小狗)",如:The Finnish Spitz presents a fox-like picture. 芬兰波美拉尼亚丝毛狗的样子很象狐狸。

Pinscher: n

表示"杜宾犬",means "any of three breeds of dogs whose ears and tail are usually cropped",如:The Doberman pinscher, taught to run down and disarm criminals, becomes one of the best of 'police dogs. 杜宾犬经过训练会对罪犯有震慑作用,并使其缴械投降,从而让杜宾犬成为著名的警犬之一。

Schnauzer: n

表示" 雪纳瑞",means "old German breed of sturdy black or greyish wire-haired terriers having a blunt muzzle ranging in size from fairly small to very large; used as ratters and guard dogs or police dogs",如:Schnauzer:Baby,don't worry!I I'm here!! 雪纳瑞:宝贝!别担心,我在这儿呢!

plummet: v

表示" 垂直落下;暴跌",means "drop sharply;",如:Just watch your electricity bills plummet! 您的电费帐单将直线下降!



综合英国《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)、「The Science Times」报导,芬兰赫尔辛基大学(University of Helsinki)团队的研究成果于5月19日发表在期刊《iScience》,研究人员一共搜集300种不同品种、共约1.1万只狗的行为调查数据,后续再将这些狗狗约略分类为52种。


研究发现,在与人类的社交能力方面,最亲人的5种狗依序为「牛头梗犬」(bull type terriers)、吉娃娃、博美、贵宾等体型较小的「茶杯犬」、黄金猎犬、杰克罗素㹴,以及腊肠狗。

另一方面,如边境牧羊犬等牲畜护卫犬(livestock guardian dogs)、松狮犬等亚洲原始犬种、原始视觉型猎犬、北方狩猎狐狸犬、雪橇犬、雪纳瑞等最不爱人类陪伴。



