



所谓沙漠漆,就是戈壁基岩裸露的荒漠区,由于地下水上升,蒸发后常在石体表面残留一层红棕色氧化铁和黑色氧化锰薄膜,像涂抹了一层油漆,故名沙漠漆(英文名:desert varnish)。

奇石在我国历史上又称为怪石、象形石、雅石、供石、案石、几石、玩石、巧石、丑石、趣石、珍石、异石、孤赏石等,我国台湾及港澳称谓雅石,日本称水石,在韩国称寿石。 从广义上来讲,凡是具有观赏价值的自然石,均可称为奇石。



英文名称:Desert lacquer oil painting strange stone (Five warriors of Langya Mountain)







英文翻译:The so-called desert varnish is the bare desert area of the Gobi bedrock. Due to the rise of groundwater, a layer of red-brown iron oxide and black manganese oxide film often remains on the surface of the stone body after evaporation. It is like a layer of paint.

Strange stone in the history of our country is also known as strange stone, pictographic stone, stone, for stone, case stone, stone, play stone, clever stone, ugly stone, interesting stone, precious stone, stone, stone, lonely to enjoy the stone, China's Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao called elegant stone, Japan said water stone, in South Korea called shoushi. Speaking from a broad sense, all have ornamental value of natural stone, can be called strange stone.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: desert lacquer oil painting strange stone (Langya Mountain five strong men)

Desert Lacquer Painting Strange Stone (Five Warriors of Langya Mountain)

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one piece

Appearance: Beautiful

Due to the very dry gobi region, underground water salinity is very high, in addition to all kinds of salts, water solution also dissolved high concentration of iron oxide and strong oxidation. Due to the high salt content, water evaporation is blocked by the gravel remaining on the ground, forming many dew-shaped water points at the bottom of the gravel. At the same time, the stones in the desert are very dry and desperately absorb, so that these minerals not only stay on the surface of the stone, but also enter into a certain depth of the stone, forming all kinds of beautiful pictures, like lakes, mountains of water, and like various biological shape of the map stone. In the Gobi region, the joint and crack surfaces of all kinds of gravel and primary rocks, especially the bottom surface, are often painted with different degrees of desert. Gravel moved by the gobi storm, sand grinding, make the picture more delicate, full of charm. Desert paint has high ornamental value.

Desert paint belongs to one of the gobi rocks. According to the classification of the picture, desert paint can be divided into landscape painting (Chinese painting), oil painting, hazy painting, biological graphics and so on.

General desert paint with agate quality of a material is more, with lighter color most, like this kind of color depth, the surface is very rare for end of silks and satins, inline called old skin desert paint, actually desert paint is a kind of ornamental stones, since it is first see ornamental stones, then look at quality, its quality is old skin belongs to top grade paint, desert and the desert lacquer shape is also very strange, the overall shape of the top of the mountain, cliffs, staggered out of the irregular shape, among the desert paint can call wav five strong men, on the whole is very image, five people have been to the wall, the body tired, is in keeping with this mutual help, or vertical, or bow stance, Can say is a piece of very peculiar desert paint, the whole performance oil feeling is full, belongs to oil painting type desert paint, is the top quality of desert paint, this article is unique, the world is rare, has the extremely high appreciation value and the collection value.

