



光绪年间,腐败没落的晚清王朝,为了求得一时的安定,对外连年割地赔款,又加之外国列强的巧取豪夺,致使中国大量白银流失,清政府在李鸿章等大臣的倡议下,为了抵制和取缔外国成色不足的洋钱,特批准由两广总督李鸿章,在英国购进了先进的铸币机器设施,率先在广东建立了中国第一个铸币厂,试铸成功后,全国各省争先恐后的相继效仿,各自建立属于自己省份的铸币厂,一时间铸币厂在中国风生水起。The decline in the late qing dynasty emperor guangxu years, corruption, in order to have a temporary stability, foreign paid reparations for years, and in addition to the whims of foreign powers, cause loss of China's large silver, the qing government under the sponsorship of li hongzhang, secretary, in order to resist and clamp down on foreign looks less than his, approved by the guangdong governor li hongzhang, bought in the UK advanced minting machines facilities, take the lead in guangdong established China's first mint, ShiZhu success, scrambling to follow one after another, throughout all the provinces to establish their own respective provinces of mint, place mint architecture takes root in China.

只是,众所周知清代以来中国经历了多场战争,光绪元宝损失严重,至今,数量已经极其有限。所以光绪元宝它所代表的不仅仅是金钱,还有光绪年间的经济情况和历史社会情况,具有极高的收藏鉴赏价值与历史研究价值。值得一提的是“光绪元宝”是中国近代机制币中的十大名誉品之一,这得益于其版面设计优雅,雕刻精良,而且存世量极为稀少,是钱币收藏世界知名度极大的一种,被誉为钱币精品,具有无法估量的学术与历史价值。Just, China has experienced many wars, since it is well known in the qing dynasty emperor guangxu wing serious loss, up to now, has extremely limited. So guangxu wing it represents not only the money, and guangxu period of the economic situation and history of social situation, has a very high appreciation value and collection value of historical research. Remarkably "guangxu ingots" is one of the ten honorary product in currency of the mechanism of China's modern, thanks to its layout design is elegant, fine carving, and only a very few and far between, is a kind of coin collecting world fame greatly, has been hailed as a coin, has immeasurable academic and historical value.

